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Play Assessment and Intervention

Children learn through play. Play encourages the development of motor skills, abstract thought, early literacy skills, emotional health, language development, and perspective-taking.


The Play Assessment and Intervention System (PLAIS) is an observational system developed for school psychologists and early childhood educators to assess young children's cognitive and social skills during play. It is a useful tool in the problem-solving process (i.e., problem identification, problem analysis, intervention development and implementation, progress monitoring and decision-making).


The results of the play assessment (PIECES) can aid in the selection of appropriate interventions (CLIPS). For children who need to learn or practice developmentally appropriate skills, these interventions are conducted in the context of play.


We have two decades of research to support our system. Our goal is to share it with other professionals who want a reliable and valid way of assessing the skills of young children and intervene when needed.


On this website, you will find everything you need to use the PLAIS. All forms needed to use the PLAIS are available for download, free of charge.


Use of the PLAIS in RTI

Level 1 (Universal)

  • Universal screening using the PIECES multiple times per year

  • Use the PIECES to determine group progress, evaluate program effectiveness and identify which children need additional support

Level 2 (Targeted Interventions)

  • Individual or small group interventions 1-2 times per week

  • Progress monitoring 1-2 times per week

  • Evaluate progress every 4-6 weeks

Level 3 (Intensive Interventions)

  • Individual or small group interventions 3-5 times per week

  • Progress monitoring 2-3 times per week

  • Evaluate progress every 4-6 weeks

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